Byte-size Bulletins

Typing shortcut in Teams for emojis

Written by Simon Heath | Nov 26, 2021
You can insert emojis into a Teams chat simply by typing the name of the emoji within brackets.
For example, if you type (laugh) Teams will automatically substitute the bracketed word with ๐Ÿ˜„their laughing emoji.
Teams will make suggestions as you type, so if you type (wa Teams will suggest:
Alternatively, you can use this Byte-size Bulletin to access the full emoji list.
Some may ๐Ÿ’— emojis, others may find automatic insertion of them makes them ๐Ÿ˜ก. In which case, if you actually want to have the word laugh, in brackets and not the emoji, the only workaround I know is to use square brackets instead.