Byte-size Bulletins

Nordpass most common passwords of 2021 list: a wake up call

Written by Rachael Brown | Dec 15, 2021
Nordpass has released its annual roundup of the 200 most common passwords.

This list was done using passwords from 50 countries. The list of passwords was compiled in partnership with independent researchers specialising in researching cyber security incidents. They evaluated a 4TB database.

This research brings with it fun facts like the fact that a shocking amount of people enjoy using their name as a password. The height of security, right? In addition to this:

  • Dolphins were the most popular animal-related password.
  • Swear words are popular passwords, with men using them more often than women.
  • Cars, like Porsche and Ferrari, are often used as passwords.
  • Liverpool was a popular password - due to the popularity of the football team.
  • Hilariously, Hockey was one of Canada’s most popular sports-related passwords.
  • ‘Iloveyou’ was a popular password among women (and unpopular among men).

In addition to this, we had some even less fun facts, like the most popular passwords globally of 2021.

The topmost common password, as it has been for many years, was ‘123456’ which was used a shocking 103,170,552 times. This password takes under a second to crack, making it extremely insecure.

The second-ranking password is… guessed it….’123456789’

We, and many others, have reported before on the dangers of using passwords like these, which are extremely simple, widespread and easy to crack. But the practice continues nonetheless.

The 4th password in this list is ‘qwerty’ a password that experts have been warning not to use since practically the invention of the internet. And coming in at number 7 is ‘111111’! .Millions of users in this research use their passwords for their most private and secure accounts. Indicating we have a serious problem on our hands.

Nordpass recognises this, having a section in the article which describes how to practice password hygiene basics. Their advice is extremely similar to our advice on password security, urging readers to:

  • Use complex passwords - ones that contain at least twelve characters and a varied combo of upper and lowercase symbols, numbers and letters.
  • Use a password generator to create passwords where possible.
  • Never re-use passwords.
  • Regularly update your passwords.
  • Continually assess your password health, and check a password’s strength before using it.
  • And last but not least, use a password manager, like Keeper. A password manager is of the most efficient ways to store and access your passwords.

If you want to learn more useful tips to keep your accounts secure and see how your password habits rank you should do our free quick 1-minute quiz. 

You can also visit Nordpass’s website to read their top 200 most common password list for 2021 yourself.