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Meeting Summaries with Microsoft Copilot

Byte-size Bulletin by The Final Step in Microsoft 365 on Aug 30, 2024


Enjoy the video? Check out our recent article Copilot 101: The importance of prompts and how to create great ones.



Hello, and welcome to another Byte-size Bulletin video, by The Final Step.

In today’s Byte-size Bulletin, we’re showing you how to use one of Microsoft Copilot’s most powerful features: its ability to create comprehensive summaries of your meetings.

This works on other things like email chains, webpages, and Teams chats, but today we’ll focus on meetings.

First, find a meeting that you’d like to summarise. It must have been transcribed at the very least, but recorded meetings are best.

Then, click “Recap” on the latest meeting recording. You’ll be presented with this screen.

From here, you can of course watch the meeting back in full, but you can also browse through the tabs under the video to find exactly what you’re looking for. Here we can see who spoke, when, and for how long – you can click these bars to skip to specific points in the video.

You can similarly review the meeting timeline by topic, or by chapters.

On the right hand side, you will find the AI notes for the meeting. To create these notes, Copilot reads the transcription and summarises the content into bite-size chunks. These serve as great reminders if you need to come back and review a meeting. For this meeting, the notes are split into two helpful sections, meeting notes and follow-up tasks.

If somebody asked you to do something but it’s slipped your mind, you can also click on the mentions tab to see a rundown, and even click on each mention to skip to that point in the video.

Finally, you can click on the Copilot button in the top right. If the content on the recap isn’t enough or not quite right, you can ask Copilot chat some questions to get even more useful answers. This section is used to build better summaries or refine the existing recap, helping you to tailor the summary to exactly what you need.

The best way to find out how this can work for you is to experiment, so give some prompts a go and see what you can do! One of my favourites is to ask what Copilot didn’t cover in the recap, to make sure it hasn’t glossed over something important.

It’s important to note that Copilot uses AI to generate these summaries, so it may not be perfect. If something is especially sensitive or important, we recommend you rewatch the meeting to get the exact details.

Thanks for watching another Byte-size Bulletin video, by The Final Step.


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